AKC Pet Healthcare

American Kennel Club


( 1-866-725-2747 )

The American Kennel Club has partnered with PetPartners, which sold its first pet health care policy in the U.S. in 2003, but their history goes back to the 1980′s. That’s when John Spurling purchased and developed pet health care insurance, exclusively for the Kennel Club of Great Britain, into one of the leading pet insurance innovators. Later, he launched PetPartners in the United Kingdom and then in the United States. Now, with over 30 years of experience, they have a proven track record in pet insurance for dogs and cats.

Since 2003, PetPartners has been the exclusive provider of pet health insurance protection to registrants of the American Kennel Club through the AKC Pet Healthcare Plans. In 2004, they got selected by the Cat Fanciers’ Association, the largest registry of pedigreed cats, to provide pet insurance to CFA registrants. In 2009, PetPartners began to offer  PetPartners-branded products both to individuals and groups (such as associations, companies and credit unions).

PetPartners’ policies are underwritten by Markel Insurance Co. of Richmond, VA, one of the 50 largest insurance companies in the United States and rated “A Excellent” by A.M. Best Company.

PetPartners is known for  excellent and hassle-free customer service by licensed agents. Their pet insurance coverage is trustworthy, convenient and reliable with a quick 15-day claims turn around.

Policies are available in all 50 states, they are a  NAPHIA member!

AKC offers 5 plan levels, they are highlighted below:

Wellness Plus: (their top of the line plan)

Once you have met your Wellness Plan’s annual deductible of $125, they reimburse 80% of eligible charges and this Plan includes a spay or neuter benefit in addition to an annual dental cleaning. The monthly payment option allows you to spread your pet’s routine health care costs over the year and you also have insurance benefits for accidents and illnesses that you may also need one day.Which pets are eligible?

  • Any dog or cat under the age of 9 years at enrollment, as long as dogs are at least 8 weeks old and cats are at least 10 weeks old. Once enrolled, coverage may be continued for older pets.
  • All breeds, whether purebred or mixed breed, registered or unregistered.

What treatment is covered for accidents and illnesses?

  • Veterinary Treatment & Surgical Procedures
  • Prescription Medications
  • Diagnostic & Laboratory Tests
  • X-Rays, CT Scans and MRIs
  • Cancer Coverage
  • Hospitalization
  • Specialist & Emergency Visits

What preventive care costs are eligible?

  • Annual Physical Exam
  • Annual Dental Cleaning
  • Flea & Tick Control – 12 months
  • Heartworm Testing & Prevention – 12 months
  • De-worming and Fecal Exam
  • Vaccinations & Boosters
  • Vaccine Titers (in place of Vaccinations)
  • Spay/Neuter Procedures

What extra care is provided?

  • Boarding fees if owner is hospitalized

What are the coverage limits?

  • Up to $13,000 maximum per policy limit, $5,000 per incident
  • $125 annual deductible, 20% co-insurance
  • Coverage starts Day 1 for accidents, Day 31 for illnesses


Wellness benefits in addition to top pet insurance for accidents and illnesses!

In addition to great benefits for accidents and illnesses, this plan reimburses the majority of preventive care costs including an annual dental cleaning, vaccinations, flea & tick prevention, heartworm controls and more. With its per incident limit of $5,000 and a $13,000 maximum policy limit, our Wellness Plan is truly an excellent investment in your pet’s health and happiness!

Essential Plus:

If you are seeking superior protection for your pet’s accidents or illnesses, then the Essential Plus Plan is a great choice. With a per incident limit of $3,000, it provides double the coverage for the ‘per incident limit’ compared with the Essential Plan, as well as richer deductible/coinsurance benefits.


 A great starter pet insurance plan covering accidents and illnesses! If you are looking for pet health insurance to help with accidents and illnesses, the Essential Plan provides excellent protection as a starter plan so you can feel more comfortable about funding your pet’s unexpected health care bills.

Accident Plus:

Protection for accidents, PLUS a whole lot more. Consider the Accident Plus Plan as a minimum level of pet insurance protection for accidents and injuries that frequently lead to high bills from an animal hospital or clinic. That way, in an emergency, you can focus on getting the best treatment for your pet without worrying about the costs. It’s your pet’s ‘In Case of Emergency’ Plan.

Pets get into scrapes, their curious natures lead them into trouble and things just happen to them despite the best of intentions. Examples include bite wounds, bee stings, snake and insect bites, poisoning, burns and even ‘hit by a car’ accidents — all of these are common types of claims from  AKC policy holders.

Which pets are eligible?

  • Any dog or cat, as long as dogs are at least 8 weeks old and cats are at least 10 weeks old. There is no upper age limit
  • All breeds, whether purebred or mixed breed, registered or unregistered.

What accidents and injuries are covered?

  • Motor Vehicle/Hit by Car accidents
  • Bone Fractures
  • Poison Ingestion
  • Foreign Body Ingestion surgery or endoscopy
  • Lacerations and Bite Wounds
  • Burns
  • Insect Bite and Snake Bite allergic reactions
  • Accidental Choking or Drowning
  • Head Trauma

What treatment is covered?

  • Veterinary Services & Surgical Procedures
  • Prescription Medications
  • Diagnostic & Laboratory Tests
  • X-Rays, CT Scans and MRIs
  • Hospitalization
  • Emergency Visits
  • Specialist Visits

What are the coverage limits?

  • Up to $8,000 maximum per policy limit, $2,000 per incident
  • $75 per incident deductible, 10% co-insurance
  • Coverage starts on Day 1 for the accidents listed above