Eusoh Pet Insurance

( phone – 424 389 0588 )

Eusoh (“you-so”) is an innovative community cost-sharing model. It’s a comprehensive accident, illness, and wellness community pet health plan for dogs and cats. Pricing is simple – a single universal price for dogs and cats of all ages. Eusoh is the only plan where members pay for what is needed. Each month, any unused contributions are rolled over entirely and credited back to the community, decreasing next month’s payment. Eusoh believes in full transparency – people should know exactly where their money is going and what it’s being used for. You should be free to choose who you share with and access to vets and other providers shouldn’t be limited. Eusoh believes in an empowered community with more and better options.

  • Monthly Cost: $17-$65 max, depending on the monthly expenses in the community.The current average for dogs is $45 and $33 for cats.
  • Coverage: Comprehensive: accident, illness, and wellness. ~80% reiumbursement, based on the average national pricing for a procedure. A regional variance in veterinary costs is taken into account.
  • Payout Limits: $8,500 annually
  • Deductables: $250 out-of-pocket .
  • Age Limits : Older pets vet’s fees are covered with no maximum age limit.
  • Waiting Period: 30 Days.
  • Pre-existing conditions aren’t covered.
  • Other Exclusions:
  • Spaying/neutering
  • Routine Medications (Flea, tick, heartworm)
  • Dental cleanings
  • Non-prescribed supplements
  • Medicated baths
  • Grooming
  • Food
  • Cosmetic-related expenses
  • Breeding-related expense