PetWise Pet Insurance

PetWise Pet Insurance Review

( phone – 0800 456 1164 )

Coverage  up to £1,000 under their Bronze plan, £3,000 under their Silver plan , and £5,000 under the Gold plan, (Coverage is provided on a per incident basis). Many insurers limit payments for ongoing conditions to the first 12 months only. Petwise will continue to cover conditions without a time limit and, up to the policy limit, subject to coverage remaining in force.

If your pet dies as a result of an accident, or from injury or illness. They will cover up to £250 on their Silver plan, and £750 on Gold policies. This section does not apply in the case of Dogs that are 9 or more years old and cats that are 11 or more years old.

If your pet is lost or stolen, they will pay for local advertising and offer a reward. (Coverage is up to £250 on Silver and £750 on Gold)

If your pet is not recovered in spite of the advertising and reward, they will reimburse the purchase price up to £250 on Silver and £750 on Gold.

If your pet causes damage or injury to a third party, and you are held legally liable, you are protected from claims up to £1,000,000, including legal costs. (Not applicable if you are already covered by your household policy)

If your pet causes damage, to a third party, for which you are not legally liable but which you feel a moral obligation to pay for, they will pay up to £500 (Excess – £100 each claim).

If you have to go into hospital for more than four days and are obliged to put your pet into a boarding kennel/cattery, they will pay up to £250 on Silver and £1,000 on Gold policies.

If your pet requires emergency surgery within 7 days prior to your departure, they will reimburse your vacation cancellation costs up to £250 on Silver and £2,000 on Gold policies.

If you and your pet are away from home and your pet needs urgent veterinary care, you may not know who to turn to. Petwise offers access to a helpline which will identify the nearest vet for you.

3 Levels of Coverage:                           Bronze                        Silver                                     Gold

  • Vet Fees                                          up to £1,000*               up to £3,000*                      up to £5,000*
  • Treatment Period :     no time limit, up to the sum insured  for all coverage levels
  • Death from Accident/Illness ‡           £0                                   £250                                      £750
  • 3rd Party Liability (dogs only):          £1M (dog)                      £1M (dog)                            £1M (dog)
  • Accidental Damage:                            £0                                  £0                                         £500
  • Recovery expenses:                           £0                                £250                                      £750
  • Boarding fees:                                    £0                                £250                                      £1,000
  • Loss by theft or straying:                   £0                                £250                                      £750
  • Holiday cancellation:                          £0                                 £250                                     £2,000
  • Bereavement Counselling
  • Pet Legal
  • Pet Minders
  • Vet Finder Helpline
  • Pay Vet Direct
  • Overseas Travel                                 30 days                        30 days                              12 months