One Of The Top 5 U.S. Companies!

( 1-888-861-9092 )

The ASPCA is one of the oldest and best recognized organizations for animal protection and care.
They have been in business for over 140 years helping pet owners to improve the health and welfare of their animals. They have an impeccable record to say the least. Their customer service is second to none, and when we checked them out, found plenty of customer written testimonials, verifying this. ASPCA also allows you to use any licensed vet in the US or Canada! This is a major plus, especially if you already have a vet you can rely on and have established a good relationship with, or if something were to occur while traveling with your pet.


One item of particular interest is their more advanced vaccine coverage. With their higher level program this covers bordatella, lyme disease, feline leukemia, and even feline infectious peritonitis. They also offer a 30 day money back guarantee, as well as the ability to file a claim by fax, e-mail, or snail-mail.

ASPCA offers coverage for wellness care as well as on-going conditions. This company is also a member of NAPHIA (North American Pet Health Insurance Association). They also offer coverage for spaying and neutering per the official ASPCA stance on pet care. Not all other pet insurance companies will do this.



  • Get reimbursed 80% of usual and customary covered charges
  • Only meet a low $100 annual deductible per year
  • Use any licensed veterinarian in the US or Canada
  • Track claims and update information easily online
  • Multiple pet discount
  • BBB rating = A+