Endsleigh Pet Insurance

Endsleigh Pet Insurance Review


( phone –  0800 028 3571 ) Done thru Petwise (see additional details in PetWise listing)

Coverage is available up to £1,000 under their Bronze plan, £3,000 under Silver and £5,000 under Gold. (Coverage is provided on a per incident basis). Many insurers limit payments for ongoing conditions to the first 12 months only. Petwise will continue to cover conditions without a time limit and, up to the policy limit, subject to coverage remaining in force.

If your pet dies as a result of an accident, or from injury or illness. They will cover up to £250 on their Silver plan, and £750 on Gold policies. This section does not apply in the case of Dogs that are 9 or more years old and cats that are 11 or more years old.

If your pet is lost or stolen, they will pay for local advertising and offer a reward. (Coverage is up to £250 on Silver and £750 on Gold)

If your pet is not recovered in spite of the advertising and reward, they will reimburse the purchase price up to £250 on Silver and £750 on Gold.

If your pet causes damage or injury to a third party, and you are held legally liable, you are protected from claims up to £1,000,000, including legal costs. (Not applicable if you are already covered by your household policy)